
Friday, 31 May 2013

Interface ICT XPO

Ellerslie Interface ICT XPO

Wednesday the 29th of May is the day of the Ellerslie ICT XPO. Vivienne, Shoal, Darius, Mrs Lagitupu and I went there to film the event to make a documentary.

We all took turns and interviewing special guests and gold sponsers of the Interface Magazine. We all got a special lunch which consisted of sandwiches, mini pies, fruit, and a lot more that we didn’t really eat much of.

We all had a great time at the XPO and it was a great event to experience. I would love to go there again but unfortunately I can’t. One thing I will remember, is how the products that were at the technology stands are going to help the future of children at school.

Plus I’ll never forget the time we all pretended to sneak gum into our pockets from a technology stand. Vivienne and Shoal were the thieves, Darius was the look out, Mrs Lagitupu decided she would be the get-away car and I was the master-mind. That day was totally AWESOME!!!

My Health Goal

My health goal for term 2:

I can run 1km in about 8 minutes. I want to be able to run 1 km in about 7 minutes by the end of this term and be running without stopping. I also want to participate a lot more in sports. 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Report on Obesity


In America and NZ, obesity is growing at the speed of lightning. It has been really bad for a long time as it has affected the lives of many.

Some people in the U.S. are very obese and some of them weigh a lot more than 50 stone. They have major health problems like knee pain, shortness of breath, diabetes, heart attacks and heart problems but that’s not all. People have gotten really big and have died really young, the average being around the age of 45. It has been so bad that it took the life of an 11 year old.

The definition of obese is being really big and fat, well over the normal weight for their age and just in general.

Young men and women in America and in many other countries are putting their life at risk by eating too much junk and going to a lot of restaurants that have many greasy food on the menus. Eventually, when people get too obese, their life starts to lack of quality and they cannot be the people they want to be. Life get’s really hard as some people can hardly move and have to go out in wheelchairs and special bus fairs.

The cause of obesity is addiction of junk food and compulsive over eating. It gets even harder as obese people have an extreme addiction to eating food that is bad for them. Obese people also have a sedentary lifestyle which means they are lazy and sit around and not get outside to exercise.

Being obese is really bad for your health because it is a disease that can really ruin your life. What ever you do watch your weight because it does affect your future and what you do.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

My Report on Eggs


Caged Hens
A lot of the worlds eggs are produced by hens who stay in their cages and never come out. They are called caged hens. The cages that they are in hold up to 6 hens. The space the hens have to move around in is about the size of an A4 piece of paper.  The cages are also on an angle so the hens have to grip on to the bars of the cage. Their cages are on an angle so the eggs roll on to the conveyor belt. Their food also comes  down on a conveyor belt.
Free Range
Some eggs are laid by Free Range hens which live in a shed but come out in the day and actually get to exercise, unlike the caged hens. Free range hens eat grass as well as chicken feed. The down side to free range eggs is that they are a lot more expensive than the caged eggs.

New Zealanders eat 920,000,000 eggs per year. Those eggs come from different coloured hens. White eggs come from the white hens and the brown egg from the brown hen. The food that the hens eat contain colouring agents that help to colour the yolk a darker yellow.

Health Information
The protein in the egg comes mostly from the yolk, and the healthier egg comes from the Free Range Hen. Eggs also contain a vitamin, B12. One egg has ½ of the B12 that we need per day. Eggs are good for our health, though they can be unhealthy for us if they aren’t cooked properly because of bacteria like Salmonella. There has never been a problem with our eggs in NZ. Eggs only last for 21 days if not refrigerated and all packages have to have an expiry date.

Cooking Methods
Most New Zealanders prefer their eggs poached. Some like them scrambled and a few like them fried. These are the common ways to cook eggs but there are different ways to cook them because eggs are in a lot of products that we use for everyday cooking.

We could say that the way we treat the chickens is cruel but thankfully, New Zealand is banning the idea of caged hens so we will all be eating only free range eggs one day and there will be no looking back.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

# Will Power


“Welcome!!!” says Mr Burt in a very excited tone. I suddenly noticed a group of people surrounding a very famous person that I am an extreme fan of.

Everyone in the room cheered and applauded for the awesome He made his way through our rows of chairs that were placed in a specific position for us year 7’s and 8’s to sit on.

We all clapped for the amazing Kapa Haka group to welcome our guest. Once that group did their great performance, we then welcomed the awesome Hip Hop group that was there to show off their talents in front of the AMAZING ‘’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt pumped and exhilarated as I remembered that the big cameras for the news and popular shows were behind me. I also felt inspired because of the generous donation that gave the Manaiakalani schools. It was a lot of money ($100, 000 by the way!) to help with our classrooms and e-learning tools.

I am an inspired student right now and I am very excited to see what new guests will be brought to us and our school. Thank you for supporting our school!

Makayla Rm 21