Manaiakalani Film Festival
On Wednesday the 13th of November the whole school attended a special film festival at Sylvia Park in Mt. Wellington. The school split up into their teams and headed over to Hoyts in a bus.The senior school (which I’m in ofcourse) left just after morning tea eating.
Once we got to Hoyts, we took our seat in the cinema and waited for everything to start. The first movie was room 21’s movie and was presented by Jasmine and Darius. A range of movies was presented by different people from different schools. The movies were about topics that the classes who made them chose. Every movie was cool in a way and had a message. I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Unfortunately the movies stopped and we had to come back to school. I wanted to see the rest on the big screen but it’s no big deal. I can’t wait for the next Manaiakalani Film Festival!
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