
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Assembly with Mr M

Assembly with Mr M

"Welcome to another Fiafia assembly and say hello to Mr Muliaumaseali'i!"

"Hello everyone, now I just heard everyone talking about posture and you know that my hair has that posture!" he says. We all crack up laughing at the smirk he pulls and we all know that the fun is going to start. 

"Now, as you all know I am Ms Muliaumaseali'i's brother. I came here to share with you my gift. Hopefully I will give you some thoughts and insrpiration for your future!" He starts to shout at us "Minoi, minoi, minoi, minoi, minoi" over and over again. He tells us to join in, so we do. Then he eventually starts singing opera in samoan. He sounded great and you could tell because we had raised our hands above our heads and started waving them. We all cheered because we admired his music.

He carries on with his great singing with Pt England echoing him. We all support him and back him up. He finishes his song and thanks us for having him.

We all greet him goodbye and he left the room. We all wanted to see him perform his funny jokes and his great songs. We had lots of fun and we will always remember him for the funny morning he brought to our school.

Thank you to Mr Muliaumaseali'i!

Makayla Rm 21

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