
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

My Little Sister's Birthday

My Little Sister's Birthday

“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Riley, happy birthday to you!” my dad sang softly. Riley is my sister if you didn’t already know. She wakes up smiling, acting all bubbly and excited. She is finally 6!!!

Unfortunately for her, she had to go to school that day. She didn’’t really want to but she knew she had to, plus come on, what kid wants to go to school on their birthday?! When she got home she told everyone she had a great day and she couldn’t wait for that night. She went on and on about how she would get a nice cake that her uncles boss made.

We finally got in the car and made our way out south to celebrate her birthday with our grandparents. Once we got there we ordered pizza for dinner and had cake afterwards. We had a mean feed and my stomach was full so I didn’t have any room for desert. I was quite excited for cake but I just couldn’t eat it!!!

The sky got quite dark and it was time to go back home so we left and went strait to bed once we got home. My stomach was happy, I was happy and most of all, I couldn’t wait for my next birthday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Makayla,
    I enjoyed that good start in your writing. It's creative of you to begin with a song. It sounds like it was a great day, well the beginning of it anyway. Keep up the good writing.


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